Thursday, September 2, 2010

US home based entrepreneurs using social networks

Although I have not yet found a US-based blogshop, there is plenty of evidence that Americans are also using freely available social media sites to build home based businesses.  In this case, Facebook seems to be a popular choice as the social network site provides tools and a strong social platform to support this model.

Blogshops pre-date Facebook, which might explain the popularity of blogs as a social media tool in SE Asia.

Here is something from the Business.Gov site which is the official site that links to the US Governement:

Requirements for Online Boutiques

I just started an online baby boutique on Facebook and Ecrater.  My sister helps me out some, but it's basically my business.  It's not making any money yet and I know that when it does, I have to claim it on my taxes.  Someone told me that I still have to register the business name in Minnesota (where I'm based out of) even though it's barely even a business.  Is that true?  And to write my expenses off on my taxes, do I need to register as a small business?  I'm just doing this because I enjoy making baby things and I hadn't even thought about it legally being a small business because I'm doing it out of my house and online.  I definitely can't afford any extra expenses yet and if I have to pay for a license and who knows what else, I won't be able to have my boutique at all.

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