Monday, December 20, 2010

Seeking blogshop pasrtners


svpam_ms Registered User

Join Date: Apr 2008
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Seeking blogshop partner + Blogshop Suppilers! svpam_ms Sep 28th, 08, 04:15 PM #1
Hi all,

As mentioned above, looking for a blogshop partner and blogshop suppliers as well.

Blogshop partner: (Preferably a female because might need to do modelling for the clothes.)

We are looking for an additional blogshop partner to help share the workload. Most definately, profits will be split (50-50). Most of the operation details have already been settled, will brief the new partner when he/she has been shortlisted.

Potential partners will be required to come out an equal capital outlay. (More details will be provided upon confirmation)

Background of the current blogshop: We have established a secure supplier. Most of the details have already been worked out. Upon successful partnership, then only will my partner and I reveal our sources. One thing is for sure, we are not like traditional blogshops, we will be bringing in a new refreshing new look to the community.

Scammers, dont bother wasting your time with me, I am not interested.

Some criteria we are looking for in the new partner: (Please be honest about all these details)

(1) Your commitment towards the blogshop, how many hours are you able to put into the blogshop. Are you in for the short or long term? Would prefer someone who is committed to doing something rather than dropping off halfway.

(2) Please also provide a self-intro of yourself. (This will help in facilitating in the shortlisting of potential partners for the blogshop)

(3) The new partner must be proficient in using blogspot/ livejournal/ wordpress (either one of these blogging mediums).

(4) It would be beneficial if you know how to use some designing software. Eg, photoshop and etc.

(5) Lastly, do you have any experience in blogshops (Please be honest about it).

(6) One more thing, what do you think you can bring to the blogshop (Like skills or expertise, what can you contribute)- We are looking to bringing a new image to blogshops, so we are open to all ideas and concept if it is a good one.

If you are able to meet most of these criterias, then drop me an email or add me in msn:

Potential candidates will be shortlisted based on the above criteria. (Hope to hear from all of you soon!!!)

Blogshop Suppliers:

I am also looking for blogshop suppilers, mainly into male/female clothings, apparels and accessories. If you have something interesting to supply at good prices, then e-mail or add me in msn as above.

If you are able to provide at good rates then drop me an e-mail.

Looking forward to hearing from all of ya!!!

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