Monday, June 21, 2010

Blogshops for Men?

That blogshops are predominantly owned and visited by women begs the question:  Why not men?

Here is an article from the Spree Crunch website that argues for blogshops for guys.


Guy Blog Shop
Have you always think that sales and marketing is always so natural for women? It’s like they are born to do it? Well, there are no doubt a lot of successful male counterparts, but sales and marketing always seems to rhythm so well with the ladies.
In these instances, blog shop owners are mostly ladies, they ranged from high school teens to middle-aged mums. Occasionally, there are a few men who have also ventured into the blog shop entrepreneurship. Its may be true that most people like to shop based on the service rather than on the gender of the blog shop owner, but women are perceived to be more delicate and patient when it comes to service.

Why should guys start a blog shop too?

There are plenty of reasons to start a blog shop and most of them we have discussed previously before. Of all the reasons, it still came down to earning an extra income and firsthand taste on business.
  • Less Competition
    Perhaps it’s easier now to be a guy blog shop owner than in the near future, reason being, there are still relatively less men products on blog shops which generally means less competition. If you managed to get hold of some great men products, you may want to contemplate on starting a purely male blog shop.
  • Different Opinions
    You may not realize but some people might just like to buy from male sales personnel. They may like you to offer them another gender opinion.
  • Huge Demands
    In fact, researches have shown that not only females love to shop online, males are equally interested as well and they are getting more. The spending power of males should not be disregarded and there are lot of impulse males shoppers as much as females.
  • Great Stepping Stone Platform
    Starting an online blog shop gave you a great opportunity to test your business skills. You will take charge from sourcing for products to sales and marketing, this is a good training to gage yourself and see if you ready for doing business alone or need partnership.
There may be more benefits for a male to start a blog shop however it will be good for male blog shop owners to share with us those benefits themselves.

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