Sunday, April 11, 2010

A blogshop scam report

Scam on blogshop: A report from Safe site: 

Scam Reported:

Scam Reported:

Aug 1, 2011
Last week, we received a report from Kym. After transferring $53.50 on the 23rd July for few pairs of contact lens on, she received both payment and order confirmation. Much to her astonishment, the blog closed after 3 days and there was no updates on her lens and no more emails were replied.

As soon as we received Kym’s report, we sent a fore-warn email, hopefully they will resolve this as soon as possible. We also did our research and confirmed that the blog was remove. Here’s the screenshot before the blog was closed down and after it was closed down.

We also found out that t-havelens.blogspot has another affiliate blogshop t-havenospace.blogspot, which is now lock and not visible to non-registered users.

According to Kym, the owner of t-havelens.blogspot advertised in many websites such as Cozycot forum, Cleocat forum and they are rather active in twitter and facebook. There was no sign that they would gone missing.

Kym participated in Geo Spree #5, which was closed on 25th July.

Till date, neither Kym nor SafeBlogShopper has received any of their clarifications nor responses pertaining to Kym’s claim.


  1. I have bought from t-havelens@bs before and i thought her service wasn’t too bad so i introduced it to my cousin and she experienced the same thing as Kym, what’s worse she paid even more, a cost of $63 in total. Didn’t expect her to be so irresponsible tsk.
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    Feedback: 2 positive
  2. Hi Natelie,
    Thanks for sharing your experience. We have send you an email for more information about your cousin’s situation.
    Do let us know if we can help in anything.
    We hope t-havelens can stand out and make its clarifications soon if they are really legitimate.
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    Feedback: 1 positive
  3. Participated in their Spree #4 and had paid for the orders. I lost contact with them after 24 July whereby i realised their blog was deleted. Is there a need to make a police report?
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    Feedback: 1 positive
  4. Hi Molly,
    Thanks for sharing your experience. We have send you an email for more information about your situation.
    Do let us know if we can help in anything!
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    Feedback: 1 positive
  5. I bought my lens from too!! N i realised they closed their blogshop and also inactivate their twitter account! I ordered 2 lens from the latest spree #5, and had paid for the items! I remembered them posting that they had send the order to suppliers! However. there is no updates and i emailed but they didnt reply as well!
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    Feedback: 1 positive
  6. Hi Vivi,
    Thanks for sharing your experience. We have send you an email for more information about your situation.
    Do let us know if we can help in anything!
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    Feedback: 1 positive
  7. I bought from t-havelens too, and i paid a total of $77.50 for 5 lenses, shared with another friend.
    She confirmed my payment and told me she have already sent them to the supplier. Next thing i know she closed her blogshop, i emailed her but there wasnt any reply. Her name was stated as TingTing in the email. And i googled “t-havelens ting ting”, and saw this
    Anyone can confirm if she is the one?
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    Feedback: 2 positive
  8. Hi there
    Thanks for sharing your experience.
    There was no reply from her after we sent her email too.
    It could be her on the facebook, but we are not sure.
    We have sent you an email to best coordinate with you and the rest of those who reported.
    Do let us know if we can help in anything!
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    Feedback: 2 positive
  9. I just realize today that t-havelens website is a scam and was utterly disappointed! =(
    I introduced to my sis & we bought a total of 5 pairs costing $60. I made payment on 7 July and haven’t received the orders up till today and only then…. i realize her website was already down!! The seller of t-havelens goes by the name TingTing. How irresponsible! Haiz..
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  10. Hi there
    Thanks for sharing your experience.
    Vivi sent msg to her via Facebook and we received reply from the owner.
    Pls keep a lookout on our facebook for more updates. We will also be sending any updates we have to those who have commented here.
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  11. I’ve ordered three pairs of lenses from t-havelens on July 11 and made a payment of $35.50 (inclusive of reg postage) to her the next day, July 12. She has claimed that the lenses will reached me in about 1 week time or more. Before my holiday, I sent an email to her and asked her if I was under the spree#4. Her reply was yes. I checked her blog and the update was stateD that payment was made to supplier. After I came back from my holiday, which was on the July 28, to realized that her blogshop was closed and twitter acct was deactivated. There wasn’t a reply from her even after I emailed her for an answer. Pls help!
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    Feedback: 1 negative
  12. Hi there,
    Thanks for sharing your experience.
    We have sent an email to you with regards to your situation.
    Please do note that we are compiling the report as well as the total amount of money scammed.
    PS: If you are one of their participants in the Geo Lens spree, please come forward and let us know.
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  13. just realise she closed down 2 days ago only. She said she confirmed my payment. But when I sent her another email but there wasn’t any reply at all!
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    Feedback: 1 positive
  14. hey! me n my friend have bought the lens from the website too. and i have emailed the lady but i got no response. what are we suppose to do now? is there a need for police report?
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    Feedback: 1 positive
  15. Hi there,
    Thanks for sharing your experience.
    We have sent an email to you with regards to updates of your situation.
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  16. Hi there,
    Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
    We have sent you an email with regards to your situation.
    We are busy compiling the details and please do allow us some time if we got held up. We will definitely send an email / reply your comments. Thanks guys!
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  17. Hi all!!
    I’m one of the buyers who participated in the lens spree from this site too.
    My friend and I spent a total of around $150 for the lenses.
    We took part in both the GEO and EOS lens spree.
    Please help.
    Thank You
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    Feedback: 1 positive
  18. Hi there,
    Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
    We have sent you an email with regards to your situation.
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  19. Hi all, is not a scam. I think this is a misunderstanding. I was the first few to place an order and everything went smoothly. And of course, i was satisfied with the service and the product that i have received. Therefore, i recommended my friends to place orders too. But unfortunately, the owner was caught and charged by HSA of 2 counts and all the lens were confiscated. However, She was told by HSA if she doesn’t close down her blog immediately that will add on an additional charge which makes it a total of 3 charges on her name. This was why she couldn’t stand out and make clarifications. She is not the only unlucky one, there are other sellers who are facing the same problem too. I’ve contacted the owner, she is willing to make a 50% refund at her own cost and has to verify her records from her emails and this will take time. My friends and i were shocked by the news but sympathized the situation that she is in. So right now we can only wait patiently for further replies and refunds.
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    Feedback: 1 positive, 3 negative
  20. Thank you for the clarifications.
    Dear all, we also receive response from the owners of T-havelens. We will be doing a mass email to update everyone, and we will be dropping the scam status to complaint status.
    Let us know if you have any questions.
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  21. hello i also have a complaint against this blogshop! they should have at least emailed to clarify shouldn’t they? anyway i hope to be kept in the loop if they are offering refunds so could you please add me in to the mailing list for this case? thanks!!
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    Feedback: 1 positive
  22. Hi all , I joined t-havelens’s latest GEO spree (ordered 1 pair) and after she closed down her site , I emailed her . This was her reply :
    “Contact lens have been seized by HSA.
    I can’t take it back and it is impossible to do a refund due to that I only earn $1 per pair and payment already made to supplier.
    I might be fine up to 50k for importing without a license or imprisonment of up to 6 months.
    Very sorry about what happened. Other blogshops lens also has been seized. Whatever contact lens that has come into Singapore will be seized. My statement already taken, but I did not include names on who I sell to. For your own safety, please stop selling lens guys!
    With Love,
    T. XOXO”
    She didn’t offer a 50% refund as mintmean above mentioned . I’ve previously replied saying I understood and I would let it pass (moreover I merely bought a pair costing 12/13 sgd) . Should I seek a partial refund ?
    Thanks , please keep me updated !! I really appreciate it !
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    Feedback: 1 positive
  23. Even though, he/her was caught for spree #4, what about the recent spree #5?
    Since spree #4 had been confiscated, why would he/she still take in order for spree #5?
    The least he/she can do is to contact us and inform us of the latest status for the order.
    I had an experience from previous spree orders that the supplier was caught too and she made the effort to contact me via email and that blog was not shut down. They will also transfer the full amount back to me and seek my understanding that she was caught and the items will not be sent to me.
    If spree #4 had been confiscated, would spree #5 still go through?
    What he/she is doing now indicates that he/she is using money from spree #5 to cover up her loses on spree #4.
    Otherwise, why would he/she is not responding to all those emails sent regarding this matter?
    Using the custom as an excues is not good enough, unless he/she is now in jail and has no means of access to the internet to check the mails and reply them.
    By The Way, This is KYM LI who had already reported to police Report No. F/20110730/2099
    I’ve actually forward the msg T-havelens last SENT to my friend who’s also a police, regarding to the HSA matters.
    Goh Chengying
    not sure.. but hsa is very serious on contact lenses sale
    especially online… so those blogshops that sell contact lenses like students have to be warned.. but some dont care.. like one of my friend kena fined.. tel her le dun care.. hsa fine her lor
    but is not 50k.. not to worry… when we plead guilty in court the amount can be like 50$ or 100$ only..
    I did asked her to refund at least 50% .. and she did agreed to rrefund me yet no ACTION!
    To: k****
    Subject: RE: Please Refund Full Amount ! – Order GEO SPREE #5 COZY(kymiko) -PAYMENT-
    Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 23:23:40 +0800
    I will do a 50% refund once everything has been sorted out. Will let you know again alright!
    And now it had already 2 months had pasted.. and 1 month pasted since she promise to refund. NOW I JUST NOTICE SHE OPEN THE BLOGSHOP BACK TO SELL LENS AGAIN!
    Continuing to Scam ppl around AGAIN! yet not evne bother to refund any of us!!
    PEOPLE PLEASE DO SOMETHING ! Report Her to Police will do! no matter how big or small the amount is, a CRIME is a CRIME! its still scam u after all. Let’s not just sit there and do nth!? Report her!
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    Feedback: 5 positive, 1 negative

1 comment:

  1. Please visit below reported link.

    I'm the mention "Kym" in the report.

    Please share around and help. I've also approach Men In Blue, but...

    Really disappointed on what the Men In Blue can do nowadays on ONLINE BLOG-SHOP SCAM Cases. :( Report lodged on 30/7, they reply on 01/8 inform me that they cannot even help.. Its about Scamming Money Issue! Either they are super human can investigate the case in 2 day, or they are too lazy to look into the case further and advice what they can help instead of telling me they can't do anything.

    This PROVES that everyone can start going online to open online shop and start Scamming/Cheating Everyone's Money And Men in Blue can't do anything ~ :( Not even try to stop them! Total Disappointment! 超失望! "​/"

    So i intend to share this here with everyone.

    Stay vigilant to similar contact lens spree organizers. Help us share this on your facebook wall to fore-warn your...

    A crime is still a crime. The value doesn't matter. It's still a crime.
    Justice cannot be measure in term of money value.
